5 day seminar – Breathwork in warm water with Heidi and Hans

Breathwork in warm water Workshop

Open for everyone interested in Breathwork and all breathwork graduates

When breathing in warm water we can deeply relax. We observe our body and our inner being. We can make our gentle, yet intensive manner hidden feelings conscious. Some people describe that they remember the time in the womb, and the separation from the mother through the birth when breathing in warm water. We treat our deepest feelings with mindfulness and self-compassion. This allows us to integrate experience and gain confidence in our emotions.

The topics body, intimacy, sexuality and dealing with its our own boundaries and the boundaries of others play an important role in this seminar.

Price plus room and board, Centrum de Bron (Netherlands).

Date - Sun. 16. Feb. 2025, 15:30
InstructorHans Mensink, Heidi Stein
Venue Centrum de Bron (Netherlands)
LanguageGerman, English, Dutch
Price 450,- €