Heidi Stein

Atemtherapie Trainerin - Heidi Stein

“Conscious Connected Breathing lets the illusion of yesterday, today and tomorrow disappear. What remains is the perfect now. Breathwork helps me take responsibility for what is and with the utmost confidence shape my own life.”


In 1988, Heidi Stein completed the training at the Institute for Integrative Breathwork Therapy, and has since then worked with private clients and groups in Brügen (Germany). Relationship work and working with couples has in particular caught her interest. Heidi infuses her work with a sensitive and motherly love that especially comes forth in her work with the Inner Child.
Since 1992 she has been bound to the Institute as a trainer. She is mother to three of her own, as well as to three foster children and two grandchildren.

With both feet firmly planted on the ground, and in contact with that which is bigger than ourselves, she strives to teach the client to shoulder the responsibility of their own personal creations and make conscious life decisions.

Heidi keeps searching for additional inspiration that supports and broadens her work.

Education, Training and Experience

Integrative Breathwork Therapy – Heidi Stein

Integrative Atemtherapie - Heidi Stein

1986 – 1988 Training Integrative Breathwork Therapy
1988 Silva Mind Control, José Silva
1990 – 1991 Training SkyDancing Tantra Institute, San Francisco, Margot Anand
1991 – 1992 Trainer-Education Institute for Integrative Breathwork Therapy
Since 1992 Trainer at the Institute for Integrative Breathwork Therapy
1993 – 1995 Several Tantra trainings by Alan Lowen, Julie Janderson, Kurtira
1997 Mental Trainer
1997 Psychological Consultant
1998 Training Hypnotherapy
2001 – 2001 Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
2005 Various seminars by Dr. Chuck Spezzano, Jeff Allen, July Wooky
2006 Steps to Leadership Psychology of Vision, Dr. Chuck Spezzano
2007 Family Constellations
2010 Coaching for Breathwork Therapists
2012 Training Mediale Beraterin